For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
License Manager Window
This pages describes the License Manager Window.
Main Toolbar > Help > License Manager
The License Manager will be displayed automatically at startup if your license is about to expire or will block the application if your license is invalid.
- Concepts and requirements of online activation, see Orbit Online License Lease and Activation.
- Install an Orbit desktop standalone product and request an Activation Key, see Orbit Desktop Installation.
- Trial and Demonstrator License restrictions, see Trial and Demonstrator License Restrictions.
The License Manager lists all Orbit sub-products combined within the started Orbit application.
By “Request Activation” an activation request will be done for all listed products, you will be redirected to our online license page to confirm your request.
As soon your request has been validated, you will receive your activation key via email. Copy, paste and “Activate” the entered key to validate the Orbit product.
License Messages
You have a valid license, enjoy.
Invalid : License is expired
Your license is expired and can no longer be used.
Contact sales at orbitgt dot com.
Invalid : Number of concurrent uses is exceeded
You do have a valid license, but the number of concurrent uses of the license is exceeded. Someone else of your organisation might be using your license, or the software was shutdown incorrectly and the license is not released by the Online License Server
Contact your Orbit License administrator.
Invalid : Valid period starts on + day + month
Your license is not yet valid. It will become valid later as mentioned.
Contact sales at orbitgt dot com.
Invalid : License has been canceled
Your license is canceled and can no longer be used.
Contact sales at orbitgt dot com.
Invalid : Orbit License Service could not be reached
No connection with the Orbit Online License Service could be established. Make sure you are online and no firewall settings prevent the online product activation, see Orbit Online License Lease and Activation.
Contact your IT or network administrator.
Invalid : Orbit License Service server side error
An error occurred on the Orbit Online License Service.
Contact support at orbitgt dot com.
Invalid : Developer ID mismatch, the key is not intended for this product
The entered activation key cannot be used to validate this product.
Invalid : Product ID mismatch, the key is not intended for this product
The entered activation key cannot be used to validate this product.
Have you downloaded and installed the corresponding Orbit product? If yes, contact sales at orbitgt dot com.
Invalid : Activation Key mismatch, the key is not intended for this product
The entered key is not an Orbit product Activation Key, did you copy the entire string?
Contact sales at orbitgt dot com.
Invalid : Computer date time settings are incorrect
Lets hope you never get this messages. Are trying to cheat and you set back your computer date time settings?
Invalid : Internal error
An unexpected internal error occurred.
Sent your log file to support at orbitgt dot com.